Who we are
ESAP is a Tanzanian company register by BRELA in 2022 with Certificate Incorporation Number 155514329, The Headquarter is located in Geita Tanzania. The company founded by a group of engineers with great experience in mining and explosives industry. The aim of the company is to lead the mining and explosives industry by high quality of engineering and technology.
We value the most in providing support and solutions to end users of the industry with high quality and within the shortest time period with their young, dynamic and qualified Engineers, Technicians and Operators. The products of the company are known to have high variety in the market and designed to be suitable for all conditions to improve the customers’ profit. The company also offers consultancy and technical service to customers
we ensure in
At ESAP, we make sure understanding the market and our client's business industry. With our years of experience, we have acquired in time a vast pool of resources and information which we draw our ideas from. We have a pool of experts and consultants with advanced knowledge in their field.
We apply our systematic and analytic approach that works. With a data-driven analysis and community- based research, we make sure that we have a working solution that is not just business centric, but also acceptable to community standards.
ESAP will rapidly grow with its most valuable resource of Engineers who are experienced and known to be successful among the mining and explosives industry and market in Tanzania.